After 19 years as a Psychologist,

I decided to quit the profession!

From 2004 until 2016, I was sought after by media outlets for my expertise and opinions on health, weight and eating issues. My personal experiences and professional knowledge was sourced for speaking engagements by large organisations.

Over the years, the professional marketing guidelines for Psychologists, became increasingly restrictive. We couldn’t share stories of our own successes or even share testimonials from happy clients.

You had to carefully filter and curate every piece of written and verbal communication to make sure it followed strict guidelines.

Look, I understand that the public needs to be protected.

But, it was starting to feel like a fearful, policed state. I wasn’t alone in this!

I could no longer share my personal storyas amazing and inspiring as it was – as this was categorised as a testimonial. If I did, I would be fined $5000 immediately and then have to engage legal representation for this ‘breach’.

I couldn’t share any success stories of my clients. You couldn’t even share a case study. These were in breach of the guidelines.

Even if you quoted research, you had to be mindful as you may breach the guidelines.

Having an opinion that was seen to dispute popular opinion, offend or criticise was a breach.

I had a booming media
and speaking career.

As the years went on and the guidelines continued to tighten, I became increasingly mindful of needing to curate my words whenever I spoke or provided an opinion for the media. It wasn’t my authentic voice any longer, it was filtered.
And I began to feel like I was being censored!


….. The APS (professional society for Psychologists) put a complaint against me for breaching the marketing guidelines.

But I hadn’t!

This caused a lot of unnecessary waste of time, effort, energy, and resulted in significant stress, anxiety and financial outlay for legal representation. By the end of this, I was exhausted.

With the tightening of the guidelines continuing and the threat of an unknown strike looming, I felt like a noose was tightening around my throat. I felt like I couldn’t breathe or speak.

For years, I was filled with internal conflict.

I knew that the way I was working was misaligned with my personal truth and values and that something had to change.

For over a decade, I somehow managed to survive working within a profession that was increasing in toxicity, fear and anxiety. Frankly, it just all became too much and I decided that I didn’t want to live like this anymore.

I’ve always been an introvert with an extroverted side who’s opened people’s minds to new perspectives, stood up for those who don’t fit in and told the truth, as I see it.

I believe that you need to be the lived example when you are helping people to create a healthier new life for themselves.

I walk the talk, not just talk the talk!

I needed to step up and take the leap of faith into the unknown so that I could align with my truth and values.

I needed to step into being the BEST and HIGHEST VERSION OF MYSELF and an example to inspire those who look to me as their mentor and coach.

I love that you have set the example by jumping in and running this course, that you planned for it to run smoothly but didn’t plan for perfection – you had a go. It sure has been life changing for me. I cannot thank you enough 🙂

Deb C
Design Your Best Year

So in July 2022 I called it quits!

Since then, I have been learning how to find my voice, reconnect with my truth and how to say what I need to say to cut through the noise. I want to make a difference in not just a few people’s lives at a time but 100 000s of lives in a year. I want to shake people awake! I want them to unhook from the false prophets, beliefs, messages and stories that are causing their suffering and shame. I want to inspire them to challenge the status quo and design a life worth living. To believe that there’s a life of infinite possibilities when they have the courage to seek out something new with hope and curiosity. I want to empower people to discover their truth and be willing to embrace the amazing life they deserve.

I want to share the incredible experiences and life transformations that myself and my clients have had so that everyone has the opportunity to create their own….

Healthy and positive relationship with food for nourishment and enjoyment.

Respectful and accepting relationship with their body for health.

Accepting, encouraging and respectful relationships with themselves filled with joy, fulfillment and love.

So I have taken all of my hard-earned wisdom of the last 48 years and developed a step-by-step process so that you can create all of this for yourself.

It’s your time to create the healthy life that you dream of and fast-track it with my processes and support…

Together we can take this journey through:

Get ready to experience a level of understanding and support like no other. You will feel empowered, hopeful and have clarity, where once there was confusion. It’s time to get curious and enjoy the adventure of the challenge, with a community who say, ‘YES, I get you! You are not alone!’ This will have you saying, ‘YES’ to yourself.

A coaching program designed to fast-track your progress! Only for those who are ready to fully invest in themselves. This is a 6 to 12-month commitment designed to transform every part of your life moving you from a life of comfort, fear and conformity to a life that is more than you dreamed possible.

My Past Media Glory

Print and Online



Contributing Expert

Speaker at Events & Organisations

Privileged to have worked in elite clinic teams at

My Professional Qualifications

  • NConsultant & Hypnotherapist
  • NBSc AppPsych; PGradDip Psych;
  • NPGradDip ClinHyp;
  • NCertIV in Fitness
  • NCertificates in Allied Health Programs for Type 2 Diabetes
  • NCommittee Member for Drafting the Obesity Treatment Guidelines for GPs

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